104 Facts You Don’t Know About Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing InfographicGuest blog by Megan Arevalo, WebsiteBuilder.org

As well as the post below, Megan has contributed a really useful infographic about Mobile Marketing, click on the image to see all 104 facts.

5 Expert Tips on Maximizing your Mobile Marketing Strategy

Before anything else, it is important to point out the fact that right now, mobile marketing represents one of the newest forms of marketing available, yet regardless of this, it has also grown to be one of the most popular methods being used all around the world.

Some of the main benefits associated with mobile marketing include the fact that marketers can send location, but also time-sensitive pieces of information to users, via numerous channels including SMS, push-notifications, MMS, Bluetooth, QR codes, in-app advertising and more. Therefore, marketers can promote products and services, while also encouraging people to purchase, establishing a form of brand loyalty and increasing brand awareness.

In a recent brief, published by the folks behind Website Builder, they have shed some light on the history of mobile marketing, its future and what some of the wisest tips for maximizing your mobile marketing strategy are. Without further ado, here are five expert tips that will surely boost your mobile marketing strategy:

1. Making sure that your content is readable on mobile platforms
Before investing into mobile marketing, it is important to ensure that mobile users can readily access the content you offer. Which means that brands need to focus on user experience, ease-of-use, and also provide content that users would be interested in reading. After all, there is no use to allocate resources for mobile marketing, get some users interested, only to then find out that there is nothing to read or purchase.

2. Launching a mobile version of your website
Sites which are being visited by mobile users and yet aren’t optimized properly could drive users away, and even frustrate them. With this in mind, your mobile website should be built in such a way that it keeps up with the evolving technology, while also making sure that it can be accessed from all devices. This doesn’t only mean creating a mobile-friendly version of your site but also making sure that responsive design is built in and that all pages are easy to navigate through.

3. Don’t overdo it
Many companies choose to bombard their readers with advertisements and push notifications in hopes that it will increase the money flow. Abusing of mobile marketing can lead to brand rejection and a loss of consumers in the long run.

4. Keep things interesting
Nobody wants to see the same ad every time they load up an app, just like anyone wants to receive the same email or text message on a daily basis. Therefore, upon advertising your product or service, make sure that you continually create new ads and content for users to consume, or they’ll get bored quickly.

5. Keep up the quality of your advertisements on mobile platforms
Let’s say that you own an iOS game, and would like to promote it through other apps on the App Store. Not an issue, yet don’t show the same video advertisement on all apps and make sure to change it from time to time.

By following these five expert tips, the chances are that you will be able to maximize the yield of your mobile marketing investment with ease.

One thought on “104 Facts You Don’t Know About Mobile Marketing

  1. This is one of the best and interesting article because it’s informative and well researched, hopefully, this will help to increase my marketing goal, thanks again and keep up the great work!

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