Are you a collaborative and productive worker? Does your employer know that? Are you sure?

To read the Japanese version of this post (from Mr Ryota Sano) click here.

Post by Ray Poynter, 21 February 2018Image of someone stepping forward

I have just been reading an interesting HBR article (Rob Cross et el, Collaborative Overload, first published in 2016) that I think highlights the need for people in organisations to develop a personal brand – especially if they are amongst the most productive and collaborative people in their organisation.

The paper reports on studies that looked at collaboration inside organisations and found that, on average, 20-to-35% of the value added by collaborations came from just 3-to-5% of employees. These productive people were the ones who were able to offer one or more of the following:

  • Informational resources, knowledge that can be passed on to other to use.
  • Social resources, knowing who to refer a problem or query to.
  • Personal resources, including time and energy – this is the most draining of the three.

The researchers reviewed about 300 organisations, using a variety of tools to map collaboration and value added. The studies found that at least 50% of the people who were most valuable to the organisation were not known to be so important by senior management. Think about that for a moment, half of the people doing great work, adding value, and collaborating with others were not being recognised for their efforts, nor for their importance.

When I talk to people who are reviewing their status, e.g. asking questions like: Where am I now? Why am I here? Where could I be? And, how do I get there? I frequently find that people have the somewhat charming view that if they do good work, then they will be recognised and rewarded. These people often feel it would be at least gauche, and possibly brash, to ‘bang their own gong’ or ‘blow their own trumpet’. Unfortunately, they are all too often wrong. If you are doing good work, you owe it to yourself and your organisation to make sure that people know about it. For example, by developing a personal brand.

Things that can help develop your personal brand include:

  • Ensure your name is listed on any collaboration you have worked on.
  • If there is meeting or presentation – try to ensure that you speak/present at the meeting – even if you only cover a small aspect of the whole.
  • Volunteer to take the minutes and to circulate information – so people see it is coming from you.
  • If online collaboration tools are used, ensure you add comments, ideas and support – do not rely entirely on spoken communication.

If you would like to learn more about how to develop a personal brand, check out the virtual boot camp that Sue York and I are running in April and May 2018.

Japanese version contributed by Mr Ryota Sano, from TALKEYE Inc., Japan.

あなたは協力的かつ生産的な社員?あなたの上司はそれを本当に理解していますか?Image of someone stepping forward

最近、ハーバードビジネスレビューに掲載された興味深い記事を読んだ(Rob Cross他、Collaborative Overload、2016年)。この記事は、組織で働く人間が個人ブランドを築くことの必要性を強調している。あなたが組織の中で最も生産的で、かつ協力的なスタッフの一人である場合には特にそれが重要となる。


  • 他のスタッフと共有可能な知識、情報のリソース
  • 誰に問題の解決を依頼したらよいか、質問したらよいかを知る、社会的リソース
  • 時間および情熱を含む、個人的リソース(三つのなかで最も消耗しやすい)




  • 参加した共同作業の成果物にはあなたの名前を載せること
  • 会議やプレゼンテーションでは、自分の協力した範囲が一部分でも、自分が発表する機会を確保すること
  • 自発的に議事録をとり、社内に情報を送ること(あなたから情報が発信されていることを人々に印象づける)
  • オンラインのコラボレーションツールを使うときは、自分のコメント、アイディア、サポートの証拠をオンライン上に残すこと。(オフラインの会話だけで終わらせてはいけない)


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