GreenBook Gathers 30 Predictions about Insights in 2019
Posted by Ray Poynter, 29 December 2019
GreenBook have gathered and published the predictions for 2019 from 30 people from across the MR world. Click here to read the full post.
With 30 contributors there are some interesting differences in terms of the predictions, but there are a couple of themes that come through strongly.
- Artificial Intelligence is going to be even more important in 2019 than they were in 2018.
- The economic outlook is uncertain, which is troubling.
The biggest disagreement in the forecasts relate to personal data. Some people, such as David Sable thinks we will see consumers demand more for their data and move away from sites that misuse their data. Whereas Marc Rippon predicts that all the data misuse scandals will have no impact on growing consumer reliance on digital channels. Interestingly, none of the predictions mentioned GDPR or indeed any government or legislative impacts – I think we will see several major interventions in the ‘free’ market in 2019.
Another interesting divergence in views is in the area of analytics. Most people seem to think that analytics will grow in importance in 2019. However, there is disagreement about whether the tools will mean that non-specialists will be able to use the tools or whether we will need large numbers of people to re-train or upskill in the area of analytics.