The Chatbots are coming – What do you need to know?

AMSRS ArticlePosted by Sue York, 16 November 2019

NewMR co-founder Sue York has written a four-page article for the AMSRS Magazine. You can read the full article by clicking here.

The key points that Sue makes are:

1) Interest in the use of chatbots among researchers has been increasing and a growing number of providers are offering chatbot solutions;

2) Currently, chatbots are being used in qualitative and quantitative research, with small and large samples, using text and voice interfaces.

3) Research participants have reported increased levels of engagement and satisfaction with chatbot approaches (compared to traditional research activities).

4) The use of chatbots in research is still in its infancy and we are likely to see continued evolution and this may happen quickly.

This article first appeared in the November 2019-January 2020 edition of the Australian Market and Social Research Society’s publication Research News.