What’s special about Keen as Mustard?

Lucy Davison BWThe post below is the result of a discussion between Ray Poynter from NewMR and Lucy Davison from Keen as Mustard.

Q: Can you describe Keen as Mustard for me in 140 characters?
A: Keen as Mustard is the only full service marketing agency that specialises in the market research industry. Let us tell your story.

Q: What sorts of things do you do for your clients?
A: We run the full gamut of marketing and PR activities for our clients. From branding and website design to media relations and PR, and the development of content that really tells the story of the client and raises their profile inside and outside of the industry. Building that narrative is where we excel. If you take a look at some of our clients, such as MaritzCX, Research Now, PRS, and end-clients like CPW, Sony and Lucozade, we’re telling stories with data. Whether that’s a press article, infographic, conference presentation, or a dashboard; we’re experts in communicating insights and getting the right, engaging content in front of the right audiences

But the key to our work is strategy. A website, an email campaign or collection of content means nothing if the strategy isn’t right. We work very closely with clients to establish a strategy and direction that can run through all of their marketing and communications. We provide long-term solutions. So, even when our relationship has finished, the benefits of working with Mustard are evident for a long time after.

Q: What is your vision for the future?
A: The future of Mustard relies heavily on the future of the industry. What excites us is the interaction between new technology and market research – the way it’s becoming stronger and more pronounced as time goes on. The work we do for clients like Lab42, Dub and Revelation is testament to that. We see a great deal of future growth in the new tech area.

We have also seen a significant rise in business in the USA over the past couple of years. There seems to be a better understanding of the value of professional communications, PR and design work in the States than in the UK and Europe, where it appears there is often a trend to DIY it. So, who knows? Perhaps in the future we might look at expanding our base operations with a new office in the US.

What we’d like to see in the future is for the industry, as a collective, take more responsibility for marketing and promoting market research to clients and society at large. For a sector that aims to be strategic partners, rather than just data providers, the industry could learn a great deal from their clients about promoting the industry better.

To find out more about Keen as Mustard, visit www.mustardmarketing.com