ChatGPT and Market Research – the first 100 days!

Ray Poynter, founder of NewMR
NewMR webinar Thursday 16 March, 2023
Broadcast: 11am New York, 3pm London, 4pm Paris
Access the recording and slides by clicking here.
The middle-of March sees ChatGPT reach 100 days since its public launch. Join us as Ray Poynter assesses:
- What have we learned so far?
- What has been the impact on research and insight so far?
- What is likely to be the impact in the rest of this year?
- Where might things be going next?
We will also be sharing our research with 268 market research and insight professionals, where they are talking about what they have done with ChatGPT, how well it worked for them, and what they are going to do next.
Here is a link to the NewMR report that shares the findings from our recent study in to ChatGPT.