Introduction to Story Finding

Introduction to Story FindingOnline, in-person, training course

Course Date: Tuesday, 30 January, 2024
Start: 10am New York (3pm London)
Cost: US $180
Duration: 2 hours

Click here to register for the course.

Before storytelling comes story finding. In this two-hour, in-person, online training course Ray Poynter takes you through a set of steps that will help you find the message in data, in effective and efficient ways.

The course utilises five steps to find and create the story from data.

  1. Defining the questions
  2. The main story
  3. Making the patterns more visible
  4. Assembling the story
  5. Focusing the story

You will also receive a copy of the slides and access to a recorded version.

Click here to register for the course.