Traditional Reporting. Enabler or Barrier?

Click here to access the slides Traditional Reporting. Enabler or Barrier? Presented by Geoff Lowe, in conversation with Ray Poynter, as part of NewMR’s ‘Presenting and Reporting’ webinar. Geoff Lowe, Executive Director at Infotools, believes we need to completely rethink […]

Ocular Truth: The Impact of Visuals

Click here to access the slides Ocular Truth: The Impact of Visuals With the research landscape transforming into immersive engagement territories, narratives are the new paradigm shift. As much as research involves data, the way we deliver consumer stories that […]

Personally speaking

Click here to access the slides No Title Visualisation and storytelling have almost become clichés today and are built on the accurate premise that a story told visually is priceless. What is the future though? We believe that the next […]

Visual Foundations for Researchers

Click here to access the slides Visual Foundations for Researchers There are countless articles, books, and workshops on the topic of storytelling. As insights professionals, we know how important a story is to get the attention of often distracted business […]

The Art and Science of Storytelling in Market Research

Click here to access the slides The Art and Science of Storytelling in Market Research Whether you are preparing a PowerPoint, putting together a report, or a creating a dashboard, the best way to ensure your clients understand your research […]