Semiotics will change your career – and then it will change your life

Using Semiotics in MarketingWebinar 23 April, 10am New York (3pm London)

The webinar has been broadcast, access the recording and slides by clicking here.

Find out more about Rachel’s book and how you can join the read-a-long book club, and develop your semiotic skills by clicking here.

Presenter:  Dr. Rachel Lawes
Facilitator: Ray Poynter

If you work in marketing or market research, or if any aspect of your job involves understanding consumers, there’s never been a better time to get into semiotics. Brands around the world are rapidly taking it up. It strengthens brand communications, guides design and ensures that everything is pitch-perfect for global and local markets. It bridges the gap between culture and psychology, giving a clear view of how the deepest emotions and needs of the individual are connected to national tastes, politics and changing social trends. It’s also unique in being the only market research method which is expressly designed to unlock the meaning of visual images.

Until now, the only barrier for would-be users and practitioners was that semiotics was considered hard to access and rather academic. All that has changed with the publication of ‘Using Semiotics in Marketing: How to achieve consumer insight for brand growth and profits’. Described by reviewers as “immensely readable”, “crystal clear” and “generous” in sharing the author’s 20 years of commercial experience, ‘Using Semiotics’ is the first book to offer a complete step-by-step course for marketers that takes away the barriers to entry and empowers everyone to conduct their own research and find original insights for brands. No previous experience or training is required and readers who follow all the steps have a completed, publishable project by the end of the book.

This is the first webinar in a series in which Dr Rachel Lawes, the author of ‘Using Semiotics in Marketing’ and Ray Poynter, a luminary of British market research, read the book together, over a handful of episodes. Everyone is invited to join us and is guaranteed to look at the world differently by the end. Semiotics will permanently change the way you think about marketing, brands and consumers and eventually it will change the way you think about your own culture and your own life.


  • 23 April, Presentation by Dr Rachel Lawes on semiotics, what it is it, why you might be interested in it, and what will the book help you achieve?
  • 21 May, Review of chapters 1-3, questions and comments from readers
  • 11 June, Review of chapters 4-6, questions and comments from readers
  • 2 July, Review of chapters 7-9, questions and comments from readers
  • 23 July, Review of chapters 10-12, questions and comments from readers

Note, you will need to acquire a copy of the book if you want to read along with the group, available in e-form, paperback and hardback from Kogan Page, Amazon and other retailers.