Ray Poynter

Ray Poynter

The Future Place UK


Ray has spent the last 46 years at the intersection of research, innovation, and business, having been involved in the development of CAPI, online systems, online surveys, social media research and is now diving headlong into AI-enhanced research. Ray is the author of The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research & The Handbook of Mobile Market Research, the editor of ESOMAR’s book Answers to Contemporary Market Research Questions, a content author for the Univerisity of Georgia’s Principles of Market Research course, and the founder of NewMR.

Ray is a Fellow of the MRS and President of ESOMAR. When not involved in insights and research, Ray can usually be found running, often in ultramarathons. Ray’s mission is to help people, have fun, teach things, learn things, and hopefully make some money along the way.

Twitter: @RayPoynter

Ray Poynter Five Ways You Can Leverage ChatGPT for Insights
Andrea Rademeyer, Pepper Miller, Ray Poynter Panel Conversation – NewMR AI Update – July 2024
Will Poynter, Ray Poynter Automating Research with ResearchWiseAI
Ray Poynter Synthetic Data – Ray Poynter – NewMR Webinar June 2024
Ray Poynter The State of AI in Insights and Research 2024: Results and Findings
Will Poynter, Ray Poynter ResearchWise AI
Ray Poynter AI and Qual: The Story So Far
Barry Jennings, Kendra Speed, Ray Poynter The Future in Focus – March 2024
Ray Poynter The State of Research Insights in Q1 2024
Alexandra Kuzmina, Lisa Wilding-Brown, Ray Poynter The Future in Focus – January 2024
Barry Jennings, Alexandra Kuzmina, Ray Poynter The Future in Focus
Ray Poynter The State of Insights – September 2023
Ray Poynter How might AI impact Research and Insights over the next two years?
Ray Poynter An Introduction to using Word Cloud Plus to code open-ended text
Ray Poynter ChatGPT and Market Research – the first 100 days!
Will Poynter, Ray Poynter Word Cloud Plus: A better word cloud solution
Sandy Casey, Seyi Adeoye, Mike Stevens, Melanie Courtright, Ray Poynter Trends In Insights 2023: Panel Discussion
Vivek Bhaskaran, Laura Bright, Priscilla McKinney, Ray Poynter New Thinking in Insights – Panel Discussion
Ray Poynter Insights and Market Research Scenarios for 2027
Ray Poynter How to use Excel for Insights- Part 1
Ray Poynter 7 Tips for using behavioral data
Ray Poynter 7 Tips for Asking Better Questions
Ray Poynter Looking for Patterns in the Data, part 1 of 3
Ray Poynter Working with Qualitative Information, part 2 of 3
Ray Poynter Communicating Stories, part 3 of 3
Seyi Adeoye, Melanie Courtright, Kristin Luck, Ray Poynter Where Next for Insights and Research?
Ray Poynter The Implications of Democratising Insights for Research
Ray Poynter What does collecting better data mean, and how to achieve it?
Gaelle Bertrand, Ray Poynter Social media intelligence: qual, quant or both? Webinar 3/3
Ray Poynter Results from the NewMR Quality of Reports 2021 Study
Pashmeena Hilal, Kendra Speed, Ray Poynter The Clients’ Perspective
Ray Poynter Human-centricity from CX to HX
Betty Adamou, Ray Poynter Book Interview with Betty Adamou
Vanessa Oshima, Geoff Lowe, Navin Williams, Sue York, Ray Poynter Futuring Friday – APAC 2021
Seyi Adeoye, Mike Stevens, Jane Frost CBE, Nikki Lavoie, Ray Poynter Futuring Friday – EMEA 2021
Dr Chuck Chakrapani, Laura Bright, Gregg Archibald, Melanie Courtright, Kristin Luck, Ray Poynter Futuring Friday – Americas 2021
Ray Poynter Research and Insights: State of the Nation Review
Ray Poynter Research and Insights. State of the Nation Review
Ray Poynter Research and Insights – State of the Nation Review
Bob Qureshi, Ray Poynter Face-to-Face qualitative research in 2021
Betty Adamou, Sue York, Ray Poynter The NewMR Story: Interview with Ray and Sue
Brian Fine, Shobha Prasad, Navin Williams, Ray Poynter, Sue York NewMR after 10 Years – APAC Session
Jon Puleston, Betty Adamou, Ray Poynter, Tom De Ruyck, Annie Pettit NewMR after 10 Years – Atlantic Session
Laura Bright, Alain Mizrahi, Adriana Rocha, Ray Poynter Research Trends in Latin America
Laura Bright, Alain Mizrahi, Adriana Rocha, Ray Poynter Las tendencias en la investigación de mercado en Latinoamérica
Keri Vermaak, Ray Poynter Empowering clients to create faster insights
Ray Poynter Effective Presenting with ‘Think, Feel, Do!’
Shannon Danzy, Kim Smouter, Charlene Adamah, Wale Omiyale, Ray Poynter What do white researchers need to hear? Europe panel discussion
Khary Campbell, Carol Watson, Whitney Dunlap-Fowler, Shannon Danzy, Ray Poynter What do white researchers need to hear? USA panel discussion
Rachel Lawes, Ray Poynter Semiotics in Marketing Chapters 10-12 with Rachel Lawes Read-a-Long
Rachel Lawes, Ray Poynter Semiotics in Marketing Chapters 7-9 with Rachel Lawes Read-a-Long
Geoff Lowe, Ray Poynter, Sue York How to search for insights in survey data
Rachel Lawes, Ray Poynter Semiotics in Marketing Chapters 4-6 with Rachel Lawes Read-a-Long
Rachel Lawes, Ray Poynter Semiotics in Marketing Chapters 1-3 with Rachel Lawes Read-a-Long
Ray Poynter, Sue York How are researchers coping during the COVID-19 Crisis? Wave 2 Results
Rachel Lawes, Ray Poynter Semiotics will change your career – and then it will change your life Part 1
Geoff Lowe, Sami Wong, Tomoko Yoshida, Peter Harris, Ray Poynter, Sue York Futuring Friday – Asia Pacific Session
Lucy Davison, Melanie Courtright, Kristin Luck, Lenny Murphy, Ray Poynter Futuring Friday – Atlantic Session
Paul Neto, Priscilla McKinney, Mike Stevens, Eileen Campbell, Ray Poynter Technology in Action
Amélie de Brem, Ray Poynter Move over UX and CX, here comes HX – Human Experience
Marie-Claude Gervais, Stephen Cribbett, Sue York, Ray Poynter Understanding the ‘Why’, and the ‘Why Now?’
Geoff Lowe, Johan van Kuyk, Ray Poynter, Sue York New Paradigms for Finding Insights
Ray Poynter A Simple Introduction to R for Market Researchers
Graham Williams, Nadja Böhme, Ray Poynter The Future for AI, Machine Learning and Insights – Panel Discussion
Ray Poynter An Introduction to Machine Learning for Insight Professionals
Ray Poynter How to use Correlations to find Insights
Sue York, Ray Poynter What do people really think about today’s market research reports?
Ray Poynter Threats and Opportunities Facing Market Research
Lucy Davison, Melanie Courtright, Ray Poynter, Lenny Murphy Trending Tuesday – Panel Discussion looking at the key trends in market research and insights
Ray Poynter State of the Nation Review of Market Research and Insights
Ray Poynter How to Use Comparisons to Find & Tell Stories in the Data
Ray Poynter How to Assess Innovations in Market Research & Insights
Ray Poynter What does storytelling really mean in a market research presentation?
Betty Adamou, Ray Poynter Ray Poynter interviews Betty Adamou
Ioana Nitulescu, Raúl Gordo, Joaquim Bretcha Boix, Ray Poynter, Sue York Utilising digital behavioural data to improve tracking studies
Ray Poynter Excel Video – Creating Indices to Make Numbers More Visual
Ray Poynter Excel Video – Hiding Decimals, Using Colour, and Sorting to Make Numbers More Visual
Ray Poynter How to Make Numbers more Visual
Ray Poynter An Introduction to AI and Automation
Ray Poynter How to use Think, Feel, Do! to improve reports & presentations
Ray Poynter The problems and challenges created by observational data
Ray Poynter Blockchain and Market Research: Boom or Bogus?
Gregg Archibald, Melanie Courtright, Kristin Luck, Ray Poynter Futuring Friday – Festival of NewMR 2018
Ray Poynter, Sue York Building a Personal Brand
Ray Poynter What are the emerging technologies in market research? Where should your focus be over the next two years?
Ray Poynter Think, Feel, Do – presentations that change behaviour
Ray Poynter If it can be automated, it should be
Ray Poynter The skills needed to prosper in an automating world
Ray Poynter A strategy of tactical efficiencies
Stephen Phillips, Ray Poynter Focus on IA not AI – Intelligence Augmentation
Ray Poynter Going from research grind to actionable results
Ray Poynter Word Video – How to use Heading Styles in Word
Ray Poynter Sense-making with open-ended text
Ray Poynter How to communicate numerical information
Ray Poynter How to see the meaning in numbers
Melanie Courtright, Kristin Luck, Lenny Murphy, Ray Poynter Futuring Friday panel discussion
Natalie Geddes, Stephen Phillips, Rachel Lawes, Fiona Blades, John Griffiths, Ray Poynter The Automation Debate – Opportunities and Threats
Ray Poynter Where’s the cutting edge in market research?
Ray Poynter How to pick innovation winners
Ray Poynter Find and Communicate the Story – Lesson 6 – Presenting
Ray Poynter Find and Communicate the Story – Lesson 5 – Visualisation
Ray Poynter Find and Communicate the Story – Lesson 4 – Complex Data
Ray Poynter Using Altered Realities in Market Research – 101
Ray Poynter Find and Communicate the Story – Lesson 3 – Quantitative Information
Ray Poynter Find and Communicate the Story – Lesson 2 – Qualitative Information
Ray Poynter Find and Communicate the Story – Lesson 1 – Overview and Introduction
Stephen Phillips, Melanie Courtright, Kristin Luck, Finn Raben, Lenny Murphy, Ray Poynter Futuring Friday?
Ray Poynter Learn how to find the story in the data
Ray Poynter 8 Steps to Help You Embrace the Future
Lenny Murphy, Ray Poynter What is MR Innovation? With Lenny Murphy & Ray Poynter
Ray Poynter Social Media Research in 2015, Ray Poynter
Ray Poynter Mobile Market Research 101 – With Ray Poynter
Lenny Murphy, Ray Poynter 2014 in Review, 2015 in anticipation – Panel Discussion with Lenny Murphy, Ray Poynter, & Guests
Ray Poynter What’s hot in market research?
Ray Poynter Update on Social Media for Research
Ray Poynter Entire Show
Ray Poynter, Sue York ESOMAR Book Launch
Ray Poynter There is something called Qual/Quant
Ray Poynter Best practices in creating and maintaining community engagement
Ray Poynter Where next for insight, research, and communities?
Ray Poynter Qualitative Analysis : An Introduction and Overview
Ray Poynter Behavioural Economics for Market Researchers
Ray Poynter An Introduction to Hierarchical Bayes
Ray Poynter The Benefits of Conjoint Analysis and Choice Modelling
Ray Poynter Improved BPTO
Ray Poynter Understanding the role of data in a presentation
Ray Poynter Combating ChartJunk
Ray Poynter The strengths and drawbacks of Prezi
Ray Poynter Ethnography 101
Ray Poynter The Quick and the Dead, a manifesto for change in the market research industry
Ray Poynter Where is social media research today, where will it be tomorrow?
Ray Poynter An Introduction to Using Discourse Analysis in Market Research
Ray Poynter An Introduction to MROCs and Community Panels
Ray Poynter Overview
John Owen, Ray Poynter How to make sense of social media data
Ray Poynter What’s What in Social Media Research
Ray Poynter The limits of listening – a review of what can and can’t be learned by passive research techniques
Ray Poynter How can we turn online discussions into insight?
Ray Poynter Agree/Disagree scales in online surveys Left, right, top, and middle thoughts
Ray Poynter Storytelling: How to Present MR Results (and Live to See Another Day!!!)
Ray Poynter The Next Two Years