Annie Pettit

E2E Research Canada


Annie Pettit, PhD, CAIP FCRIC is Chief Research Officer, North America, at E2E Research. She is a research methodologist who specializes in participant engagement, data quality, and innovative methods, and is the author of “People Aren’t Robots: A practical guide to the psychology and technique of questionnaire design.” Annie is also Chair of the Canadian ISO Standards Committee (ISO 20252). Most importantly, she’s an avid ukulele player and ASL student.


Annie Pettit How to Become an Irreplaceable Quant Researcher
Annie Pettit Statistics are dead. Long live statistics!
Jon Puleston, Betty Adamou, Ray Poynter, Tom De Ruyck, Annie Pettit NewMR after 10 Years – Atlantic Session
Annie Pettit Diversity in Conference Speakers in 2018 reviewed
Andreas Jackson, Kanika Malik, Barbara Leflein, Kristin Luck, Annie Pettit International Women’s Day Panel Discussion
Annie Pettit Book it! An enlightening path to your personal brand
Annie Pettit People aren’t robots: Tips for creating questionnaires that people want to answer
Annie Pettit 9 Big Applications of Big Data
Annie Pettit Behind Your Back: What research participants really think about researchers
Annie Pettit Explode-a-Myth 2014 – Annie Pettit
Annie Pettit Introduction to Social Media Research
Annie Pettit Quick and Dirty or Slow and Careful: Social Media Data Speaks
Annie Pettit 5 Tips for Great Social Media Research Results
Annie Pettit Mr Survey Flirts with Ms Social Media Research
Annie Pettit The US GOP – And Something for the Rest of Us
Annie Pettit Angels and Demons: Do you know who your data quality questions are penalizing?