Tomoko Yoshida

Tomoko Yoshida

Freelance Researcher Japan


Freelance moderator and qualitative researcher, with over 25 years experience in market research. Tomoko enjoys her work as a practitioner, as well as a lecturer of qualitative research. Tomoko conducts over 180 focus groups, in-depth interviews, ethnographic exercises, and MROCs per year. One of her specific strengths is her cheerful and playful manner to open up conversations with everybody from children through to reticent seniors. In online communities, she takes care to show her attitudes of “I am beside you, I am listening and enjoying your story!”

Tomoko frequently attends global conferences, and is always willing to share what she learned with fellow researchers in Japan, especially at events organized by JMRX (an innovative group of Japanese researchers who focus on new market research methods and ideas). Because of these activities, she was listed as one of the 10 smart market researchers worth following in social media by Ray Poynter.

Twitter: @tomokoyi

Geoff Lowe, Sami Wong, Tomoko Yoshida, Peter Harris, Ray Poynter, Sue York Futuring Friday – Asia Pacific Session
Akiko Hoshi, Tomoko Yoshida Fell In Love At First Sight Or Started As A Friend?