Test grid from experiment

Why ‘Less is More’ is hard to achieve

Ray Poynter reports on research that shows why doing ‘less is more’ is so hard. In essence we are biased towards leaving the status quo and adding something – rather than actively looking to remove things.

Are you an imposter?

Are you an imposter?

Guest blog by InnovateMR’s Brittany Nicols looking at new research into the prevalence of imposter syndrome.

World cloud of social chat about the Festival of #NewMR

The social conversation about the Festival of #NewMR

Our friends at NorthStar Social Media Intelligence have created a live dashboard in Talkwalker showing the social conversation discussing our Festival of #NewMR!

NorthStar’s work will be mentioned as part of Katrina Noelle from Know Research’s presentation on Thursday, April 15th during the Americas portion of the Festival.

Coming Soon

What is the future of market research?

In this post, Ray Poynter looks at the prospects for market research in the near future, and forecasts a growth in the use of MR techniques, and a decline in the MR sector.

Ray Poynter and James Wycherley

Insight Interview with James Wycherley – Transforming Insight

Posted by Ray Poynter 27 February 2021 James Wycherley has produced an interesting and useful new book that focuses on how insight managers can transform their role from being order takers to people driving change and outcomes. The book Transforming […]