Main Stage 2011

Christine Walker 2011 What a Disaster!
Mike Sherman, Neil Gains Less is More: Getting Value (Not Just Reams of Data) From Your Research
Jon Puleston The ideas that are transforming market research
Steve Nutall, Jess Whittaker Are social media and research meant to be together?
Leslie Townsend 2016: A Market Research Odyssey
Steve Rappaport Listening as Foresight: Detecting Emergent Consumer Trends
David Penn Neuromania and why we need to re-humanise research
Finn Raben Update on Privacy and Ethics
Bernie Malinoff The Road to Survey Extinction
John Kearon Let’s Get Emotional About Advertising; Evidence from the frontiers of behavioural economics about how ads really work
John Griffiths It takes two baby!
Annie Pettit The US GOP – And Something for the Rest of Us
Ian Ralph The Rise of the Digital Shopper: New ways to shop require new ways to research
Ross McLean Digital Ethnography – Revealing Human Truths through Smartphones
Felix Koch What next? 5 predictions about the future of online co-creation
Diane Hessan Online Communities: Mistakes, Misuses and Challenges
Victoria Gamble Taking Qualitative Online: What I wished I’d known before I started
Paul Child Life outside the ivory tower
Leigh Caldwell Behavioural economics – new new or new old?
Reg Baker Survey Gamification: Old Wine in New Bottles?
Jeffrey Henning Crowd-Shaped Surveys: Adapting the Experience Based on Prior Respondents
Alastair Gordon Surveys Without Scales – NewMR and Facial Imaging
Mark Earls Less is more: how pattern spotting can save us from ourselves
Rosie Campbell Case of the Dead Cat:Curiosity not to Blame
Sue Bell How to use discourse analysis in market research
Ray Poynter The Next Two Years