Main Stage 2010

Rich Shaw Hacking The Data Shadow
Erica Ruyle Stalker for Hire – How to be an Engaging Ethnographer No Matter Where You Are
Duncan Stuart BUMP – A New Metric Inspired by Neural Networks
Agnes Nairn Oi! You Took That Without Asking! Ethics for New MR
Jim Lango “The Changing Landscape of Online Qualitative Research: Using new technologies to engage, listen and get meaningful feedback from respondents
Adam Rossow, Jen Drolet “You Can Let Go of Your Focus Groups… Really it’s O.K.
Shobha Prasad Listening to the Sounds of Silence
Spencer Murrell “Insight Translation – Turning Data into Action
Brian Fine “Serious Games” has a place in future MR-it will ensure respondent engagement, focus and therefore validity,and help with panelist retention. It will also increase participation from the elusive 18-24 year olds!
John Dick One Question at a Time: Engaging Today’s Bandwidth-Strapped Consumer in High-Yield Attitudinal Research
John Clay Why are market researchers so !x!?ing bad at communicating research and insights?
Tamara Barber MROC; now we’re telling you what it is
Steve Cierpicki Combining NewMR & Traditional Research: The Virgin Blue Success Story
Sue York What Quant researchers must learn from Qual researchers
Christine Walker Sampling the Twitter Stream
Navin Williams Asia and the Developing World – Smart Enough for Mobile MR
Leslie Townsend Don’t Forget…The Respondent Experience Trumps All
Adriana Rocha Semantic Web and Research 3.0
Jon Puleston How to stimulate creative thinking in online respondents
Annie Pettit Mr Survey Flirts with Ms Social Media Research
Graeme Lawrence Listening is only half the story
Annelies Verhaeghe Beyond the Hype
Tom De Ruyck Co-creation through conversation
Finn Raben Market Research Organisations in Networked Age – An Interview with Ray Poynter
Ray Poynter How can we turn online discussions into insight?
Bernie Malinoff “Sexy Questions, Dangerous Results?” – Navigating The Digital Divide in Survey Research
Diane Hessan The 8 Myths about Successful Research Communities
Alastair Gordon Will NewMR become OldMR? The Challenge of Turning Radical Methods into Sustainable Businesses
Mark Earls I’ll have what she’s having
Ian Ralph, Steve August Embracing the 3rd Screen: Mobilising online qualitative research via smartphones
John Kearon DigiViduals™ Research Robots conducting mass ethnography for insight generation
Henrik Hall How market researchers can make the world a bit fairer
Tom Ewing Game On: How game mechanics are changing the consumer world, and how researchers can play
Betty Adamou “I’ll Facebook u yeah?” Modern Communication and Evolving with the Times